FAQ from you


Are Dbug’s treatments safe for children, newborns and pregnant women?
All of the pesticides and products that we use are applied by professionals and are designed to minimise any health risk to people. However, we do not recommend exposure to these pesticides for pregnant women or young children (especially when they’re at that ‘pick up and put it in my mouth’ age).

What we do recommend is for all vulnerable parties to leave the premises during treatment and to avoid contact with treated surfaces for at least an hour after the pesticides have been applied.

These are just precautions to be as safe as possible. In general, our treatments are targeted to kill specific pests and to create healthy, hygienic living spaces. We will always let you know what you need to do during treatment. So, if you have any concerns, just ask your Dbug technician!
In the long term, yes, our treatments leave your home or place of business completely safe for animals. However, during the treatment, we generally recommend you move your pets to another area. We know this isn’t always possible, so we’ve outlined what you can do to keep your companions out of harm’s way.
Firstly, before your Dbug technician arrives, we strongly recommend removing any food or water bowls that have been left out. The last thing you want is for airborne pesticides to settle in these bowls and to have your pets lap them up later. It’s also advisable to throw out the leftovers, replacing them with fresh food and water once the pesticides have dried.

For indoor pets, it’s best to keep them out of the way and in another room. Often this will mean a garage or laundry, but sometimes just a pet carrier is fine.

For outdoor pets, they need to be kept well clear of any treatments applied to the exterior of your property. They should only be allowed back outside once all outdoor pesticides have dried, which can take up to 4 hours, depending on the weather. It’s often easiest to take these pets to another property, if possible.
Small bird cages that can be relocated should be covered and moved away from any areas being treated.

For large cages or aviaries, you must completely cover them with a tarp before the treatment begins. This will prevent pesticides from finding a way into the cages and harming your birds.
If you own a fish tank or aquarium, the best thing you can do is to create an airtight seal before the treatment begins. You can do this by using a tank cover and some cling wrap. You should also make sure to turn off any filters you have running in the tank.

If you have a fishpond on your property, you will also need to cover the surface of the water. This is to prevent pesticides from blowing or leaching into the pond during treatment. An outdoor tarp cover will usually do the trick.
Some reptiles are extremely vulnerable to common toxins used in pesticides. During treatment, we strongly recommend moving your pet reptiles to another property or moving them to a room that will not be treated at all.

Make sure, also, to remove any food or water you’ve left out for your pets. You want to completely remove the risk of them consuming pesticides. You should only return them to their original habitat once the pesticides have dried and you have wiped down all surfaces to remove possible residue. Once that has been done, you can then put out fresh food and water for them again.


If you don’t have any pets or vulnerable persons staying at the property, then you don’t need to do anything! There’s no need to move furniture or rearrange your pantry–we keep our treatments safe and non-invasive. All you need to do is be there on time to let your Dbug technician inside!

In most cases, you’ll be perfectly safe to stay on-site and continue about your day while our exterminators do their job. For some specialised pest treatments, we may require you to vacate the property temporarily. We’ll let you know in advance if this is the case and advise when it is safe to re-enter.
The duration of your pest control treatment depends on the size of your property and the types of pests being targeted. For residential services, we usually estimate between 30-60 minutes.
During your pest control treatment, rain can reduce the effectiveness of the pesticides used, but only if it is a severe downpour. Of course, any interior treatments will be unaffected if the areas are kept relatively dry. But for exterior treatments, your Dbug technician will make the call if the rain is too heavy to continue. If this happens, we will schedule another time to come back and complete the job.

The products we use are made to protect your property in all seasons, hail or shine, so it shouldn’t matter if it rains after your treatment is completed. It will only be an issue if the treated areas are exposed to persistent, heavy downpours that wash everything away. This is rare, but if you have any concerns, please contact the Dbug team for advice.
We go where pests go, which means we service every area, inside and out. That said, we’ll always get your permission before entering your rooms or gardens. We will also let you know if any areas are too dangerous to access, as the safety of our technicians and our customers is a #1 priority.


A Dbug fixed quote means that the price you see at checkout is all you’ll ever pay. Provided the information you provide is true and accurate, at no point will you be charged additional fees during or after treatment. We will tell you what pests and areas are covered during the purchasing process.

I know it sounds unbelievable, but that’s the Dbug promise. We know our stuff, we know what it costs and we know how to get it done. If anything unexpected comes up during treatment–it’s on us to help you fix it.
Treatments are prepaid through our online platform. We accept all major credit and debit cards. If you provide accurate information you won’t need cash or cheque during the treatment, because there’ll never be any extra costs!
Absolutely not! Dbug makes your home and workplace clean and presentable. The products we use do not cause any lasting damage or discolouration to linens, carpets, walls or floors. If we’re ever unsure, we test the surface to be sure.

If you need to reschedule or cancel a booked treatment, you can contact us directly at [PHONE OR EMAIL]. There may be associated costs if this is not done at least 1 day in advance. For a full rundown of our rescheduling and cancellation policy, read our Terms & Conditions. I think we need to call out the basic cancellation policy which is if canceled within a 24 hours period the customer will get 50% of money back only.

Dbug technicians are available Saturday mornings from 7am to 12 noon. During checkout, if you book in a time slot, we’ll always be there at that time.
Pest control treatments should be reapplied once a year, at a minimum. Our recommendation is once every 6 months to maintain strong, preventative protection for your property. If you keep a clean, hygienic home or workplace and you see a pest, then it might be time to reapply your pest control treatment.
Dbug’s Standard and Dlux treatment packages include a complimentary 3-month warranty period. The guarantees for Quick Fix treatments vary, depending on the location and type of pest treated. For a full rundown of our warranties, please read our Terms & Conditions.


For the first two weeks after a one-off treatment, you will definitely see more creepy crawlies running for cover. During this period, all of the pests that were previously hiding in your property are being flushed out.

If you’re still seeing an increase in pest activity after two weeks, please make sure to contact Dbug again. You’re more than likely covered by our warranty, so we’ll come out to investigate what’s causing the outbreak.
Dbug pest control starts working immediately. For some pests, the effectiveness of the treatment might take a few days to ramp up, but it’s still going to be doing its job from the get-go. Sometimes, if we uncover a particularly bad infestation, we may recommend a follow-up treatment. Again, this doesn’t mean our pesticides haven’t started working yet, we just want to make absolutely certain that those pests are kept out for good!
We recommend waiting at least 1 week before cleaning the interior of your property, and at least 2 weeks before cleaning the exterior. If you can’t handle waiting that long (and we know some of you won’t be able to), make sure not to scrub or mop within 15cm of any skirting boards and to avoid washing your doors and windows. Otherwise, you run the risk of washing away the product we’ve applied to keep your home hygienic and pest-free.


All of Dbug’s pesticides are formulated to preserve and protect the ecosystem. They are manufactured to break down harmlessly in the environment, causing no harm to people or non-targeted species. We generally assess the level of infestation and try to prevent the widespread use of chemicals by targeting specific areas only, wherever possible.

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